Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The D.C. Show on YouTube

The fellow who filmed our Presidents show in D.C. posted a nice clip on YouTube (that's me on the left, hiding in the back).


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I signed up to participate in February Album Writing Month again (I completed the task in February 2007, skipped it in 2008). So far, in 10 days, I've written and recorded four songs. I'm relatively pleased with the songs, but not necessarily the recordings. I have a bit of trouble singing. I'm sing moderately well, but it's definitely my weakness. I'm trying to write simple songs and focus on vocal melody, my other weakness (you may ask, how in the hell are you writing these songs in the first place?).

So, it's a process, and as many people know, I dig process. I have definitely improved since 2007, so it's nice to grow as a writer and artist. However, the greatest challenge is finding my own voice. I listen to my favorite artists and emulate to them to a degree -- or maybe I emulate too much. It's a difficult distinction to make, really: Where does influence end and originality begin?